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Kenwood KA-6004 capacitor C303 in unit is 100uF , in Schematic it is 1000uF

Kenwood KA-6004 Capacitor C303 in unit is 100uF, in the Schematic it is 1000uF.
I am ordering replacement capacitors for the Electrolytics, and at least one cracked 100Ohm resistor (re48 on Main Amp board), and I would like to think I am ordering parts to closely match the original. However, when I look at the label on C303 it says 100uF, and when I look at C303 on the schematic it says 1000uF.

Anyone able to confirm a working KA-6004 with a 100uF or 1000uF C303? This capacitor is between the positive (shown as 55V out) side and the negative side of the full-wave rectifier off the 45V transformer.

Thank you.

jens_hh picture

1000 µF is no problem, it`s a smoothing capacitor, the higher the better. Only an exaggerated value say 10000 µF may destroy the rectifier due to the inrush current.

Regards Jens


Sam Duncan
Sam Duncan picture

Thank you for the input.


zsugori picture

szerintem a trio-ban 100uf
a kenwood-ban meg 1000uf


Sam Duncan
Sam Duncan picture

Thank you for the input.
Is the implication that I have a Trio Chassis, not a genuine Kenwood (I understand Kenwood was originally Trio-Kenwood: 1957:Kasuga Radio Company changes its name to Trio-Kenwood Corporation.) Why would the any equipment branded Trio not use the same schematics).
Either way, thank you for the input. I think I will, since I had 1000uF on the replacement parts list, to go with the 1000uF.